8 Tips to Lose Weight

8 Tips to Lose Weight

Some diets work and others are ineffective. But in order to lose weight and not gain it back, below you have 8 tips that I hope will help you so that if you lose weight, don't gain it back.
Never Diet Fast - When you lose weight quickly, your body is simply losing glycogen (carbohydrates) and water weight, but not fat (fat), which is what we most want to lose. In other words, your body thinks it is starving and lowers its metabolic rate, which makes it harder for your body to burn calories because they burn at a slower rate than they would normally. And when you start eating normally again, your body starts to store as much food as it can in fat cells in case of emergency hunger. The Best Weight Loss Plan: Replace Foods Instead of Eliminating Them Although many people feel that reduced-fat foods are not as good as the original (ie, non-reduced-fat foods), it would be of great help to you if you choose to buy foods with less fat despite the taste. Try other names of foods with reduced fat and who knows, maybe you will find something that you like more than the product you are used to until now, which has much more fat. The key here is to make the change in substitution - if you like a food full of fat, trying to eliminate it otherwise would be pointless. However, if you replace it with a similar food but with less fat, there will be visible changes in you due to the lower total consumption of calories for a long period. What to Drink to Lose Weight Completely eliminating soda drinks (such as Coca Cola) from your diet will save you an average of 360 calories or more during the day. Even diet soda (like Diet Coke), some fruit juices, and whole milk can add unnecessary calories to your daily food intake. Instead, drink a lot of water and change from whole milk to low-fat milk or soy milk; these small things make a big difference in you. Weight loss = healthy diet and movement Getting up, moving and exercising means burning excess calories. Of course, you have many opportunities to be athletic in one way or another. Join a team, go to the gym, go for a walk or run, etc. These are not the only ways to increase your activity level. You need to make other changes in your life like walking or cycling to work or school instead of driving, taking the stairs several times a day instead of taking the elevator (easier but worse for you ), make one more lap to the store or even to the block where you live. These are the small changes we are talking about. Experts recommend 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise 3-5 times a week, but if all you can do is walk around the block where you live for 30 minutes a few times a week, this is a good start. Better a little than you take off and it's harder to eat when you're moving, so this results in less food consumption and more calorie burning. The best thing about aerobic exercise is that its benefits are cumulative - in other words, if you walk 3 times for 10 minutes a day, you have the same health benefits as if you walked for 30 minutes once a day. . Gradual Changes Are Best for Losing Weight Don't forget that it's easier to stick with small changes than to try to make big changes all at once. Start slowly, always leaving a little on your plate. Don't listen to others who push you to wipe the plate or as we say (eat even the kachoro, don't leave it). These small changes also have the chance to stay with you even after you finish the diet. Try to make changes in your behavior and set goals that you think you will be able to achieve for years to come, not just weeks. Do Not Overeat If you are full or simply feel satisfied with the amount you have eaten so far, stop and do not eat more. It is not said that you should eat until you feel that your stomach wants to burst. In addition, don't forget that it takes some time for the nutrients in food to enter the bloodstream and circulate to the nerve centers that regulate your appetite. Eating slowly helps you not to eat too much before these nerve centers give you a signal that you are full as much as you have eaten so far. Try Not to Exclude Certain Foods When You're on a Diet Don't tell yourself that you'll never have something again because you'll immediately start wanting to have it and eat it. People should also eat fats to be healthy, but you just have to make sure that you are eating in moderation. Instead of continuing to eat fatty food every morning like before, maybe it's good to make a change and eat celery, muesli mixed with low-fat milk. Try to make yourself think and say, "I know I CAN eat it, but should I?" Successful Weight Loss: Stay Fit Forever Fast diets and unsustainable exercise routines will not keep you at the weight you want for a long period of time. Instead of thinking about the week, you should focus on realistic, achievable goals. In other words, behavioral modifications that you will live with and that will serve you for the rest of your life. In the end, we are taking an example to better illustrate the benefits of these changes: let's say that a person is close to 5 kg more than he should, but he is in perfect energy balance - he eats as many calories as he can burn during the day so its weight remains constant. If this person had to sacrifice a small piece of the things they eat during the day, let's say a chip that is equal to 100 calories, for a period equal to one year that person would have lost more than 5 kg! Half a kilogram of fat in your body represents about 3500 stored calories. 100 calories X (times) 365 days a year is equal to 36500 calories, or more than 5 kg of fat. Small changes can make big changes in your health. I hope that at least this post, which has 1245 words, helps you think about the few changes you can make in your life to be healthier and to always not add those extra pounds.

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