7. Keep your teeth healthy. Do not smoke.

7. Keep your teeth healthy. Do not smoke.

Oral hygiene is very important, for personal comfort but also for those around us. Below you will read 7 tips on how to have a clean mouth.1. Use natural mouthwashes and breath fresheners. Spices like cloves, cardamom and fennel seeds are great at fighting bad breath.2. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Keeping yourself hydrated has many health benefits and avoiding bad breath is just one of them.3. Watch what you eat! Certain foods are known to cause bad breath so it is best to avoid them. 4. Brush your teeth. Your tongue can be a breeding ground for bad-smelling bacteria. After you've brushed your teeth, use your toothbrush to brush the tongue of any bacteria. 5. Clean the teeth with dental floss. After eating, floss. 6. Chew a fruit peel. Rinse the peel of a citrus fruit such as a lemon or orange and chew it 7. Keep your teeth healthy. Do not smoke.

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